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What’s Happening?

Sunday School

9:30 a.m. (classes for ages 3 and up)

Sunday Worship Service

10:30 a.m.

Bible Study

Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m. & Thursdays at 9:00 a.m.

“Kids for Truth” Discipleship and Bible Study

Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m. (for children ages 3-12)

Men’s Prayer Breakfast

2nd Saturday at 8:30 a.m.

Communion followed by Fellowship Lunch

First Sunday of the month (bring a dish to pass)

Death to Self, Alive in CHRIST!

OFH was born on May 25, 1994 in a barn, literally! When winter came, they met in a school for 7 years before the Lord provided land and a building. Jesus is calling everybody, looking for those who would become His worshipers. We take worshiping JESUS very seriously, because it was what we were created for. The Bible is the inspired Word of God. So many fake Jesuses are showing up in this last hour before His return! The only way to recognize a counterfeit is to spend LOTS of time studying the Truth! So, we invite you to join us on the narrow path that leads to LIFE. Repent! (Admit you are a sinner in need of a Savior and turn from your way.) Believe on the Lord JESUS! (Receive the gift of faith. He took your punishment on the cross and died in your place. Because He was sinless, He rose from the dead to give you NEW LIFE!) Follow the Biblical JESUS! He will build you into His forever Kingdom!

Meet our Pastor

On October 1, 2020, Pastor Vince Elmhorst began his official journey as Pastor of Our Father’s House Christian Community Church!

Pastor Vince has served as the leader of the young adult group at Our Father’s House since 2013, the same year he graduated with a Communications/Christian Ministry degree from Crown College in St. Bonifacius, MN. For the past 10 years, Vince has served as the Sound Engineer for MPK Christian Celtic Band, He and his wife, Maranatha, are raising three adorable children and live in the Chili area.


We are small but STRONG in the Power of His Might!


Children’s Ministry

We know the children are the future of this body and are determined to build a foundation of truth in our wee ones. Sunday school for all ages begins at 9:30 a.m. Each worship service has a children’s sermon followed by children’s church for ages 3-7 year olds, where they receive engaging instruction! Wednesday nights we have Kids for Truth for ages 3-12 during our adult Bible Study.



Monday nights the teens get to fellowship and worship together at our youth pastor, Steve Taylor and his wife Danise’s house.


Young Adults

Pastor Vince & his wife Maranatha Elmhorst host the young adults every Friday night. So many kids these days graduate from high school and church. There is no church graduation. We MUST stay plugged into the body of Christ at every age and stage if we want to make it to the finish line of FAITH!

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Our Founding Pastor Retired

Pastor Ron Johnson has pastored various congregations since 1973! He has seen a lot in his 40+ yrs of ministry and has imparted such a rich wealth of knowledge to the body, the church. He has been battered, but the Lord continues to uphold him and is not done using him at OFH and beyond. His beloved wife and partner in ministry, Deb Johnson, has been called home to be with Jesus through a tragic motorcycle accident on September 18, 2019. There is no reason Pastor should have survived the accident, but our God works in mysterious ways! He spent 26 days in the hospital and 50 days in rehab recovering from his injuries and miraculously was preaching the Christmas Eve Candlight Service in 2019. Ultimately, there is no retirement in God’s economy, just reassignment! We are excited for what the Lord will continue to do through his ministry.